Home Protection Solutions

Home Security

Smart Security
Burglary forms 8% of all crimes in Milton Keynes
Burglary damage to property
Protection Against Burglary

Detering burglars to enter your property is difficult but once inside having a fall back to hurry and eradicate them becomes essential. Smart home security protocols offer unique ways to protect your property

Protect The Occupants

Security involves more than burglary - Protection from Fire and Floods is important whilst also minimising the potential harm to children with your child-safe mode. We believe feeling safe is essential, that is why panic buttons offer additional re-assurance that you are protected.

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Privacy protection

Online privacy is ever expanding with the development in technologies but ensuring your personal data is kept within your home is our priority. We deter from utilising cloud-based stores of personal information which can be accessed remotely whilst promoting all your details are kept safe on your mini-server in your home.


Silent Alarm

Notifications will be sent your your phone via the app offering the ability to check the security - False alarms are automatically registered.


Audible Alarm

An automated call to your mobile to ensure you're notified - Linking to your music server plays an alarm at full volume.


Visual Alarm

Drawing attention to your intruders can prompt an exit - Your blinds and curtains open to make neighbours aware.


External Support

Automatic calls are directed to your chosen contact including fire and protection services whilst lights flash throughout the home.

Prioritising Your Personal Safety

Fire Detection

In the UK, we abide by strict fire safety regulations for our safety and to protect our properties. As our daily lives become busier, they can lead to errors and this is where detection and response are essential. Home fires can spread fast and swift action is required that's why our home will detect smoke and an elevation in temperature and informs you immediately. 

Early Detection

Flood Prevention

One in every six properties in England are at risk of flooding - Floods can cause substantial damage to properties and also residents, especially those with mobility restrictions. That is why early floor detection is essential, once detected, immediate alerts inform you and give you time to react and take action.


More than two million children under the age of 15 experience accidents in and around the home every year - Having a child-safe mode can restrict the potential harm caused by certain features and appliances such as being unable to turn on the hob or other dangerous appliances.

Panic Button

An easily accessible smart switch can be programmed to offer a panic button support options whereby simple activation triggers the panic alarm which causes lights to flash,  blinds and curtains to open, whilst an audible alarm deters any unknown damage.

Data Security
Security Of Your Data
Security Privacy

As important as making you feel safe in your home, so is the security of your data. Your smart home, your data.

Your Data

Any sensitive data such as the number of people at home and live camera images are all stored in your home.

No Internet - No Problem

Your smart home works without the internet by using a local network so you can enjoy your smart home without restrictions.

No Cloud

To minimise the potential of any security breach, no secure details will be stored in a cloud and kept inside your four walls.

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